
  • 1, 2, & 4 Bottle Neck Waxers
  • 1XL Bottl Neck Waxer
  • Wax Availalble (Spare Parts department)

SINCERA SISTEMI snc presents on the market e new semiautomatic device for the sealing of bottles with shellac.

The simplicity in the use of this patented machine allows constant and stable production. The flexibility of the device, in the standard version, consents the use of bottles with sizes from minimum of 0.75 litres to a maximum of 5 litres. The temperature and the duration of immersion and cooling can be personalized via a simple operator control panel, thus warranting optimal results.

Until now, this process has been handmade only, but from now, with the aid of SINCERA this can be optimized delivering a product of traditional handcraft.


Please click to view product brochure


Bottle Neck Waxing